International Students and Scholars--General Application

The International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO) provides funding to degree-seeking students who have documented unforeseen financial need. ISSO awards multiple scholarships from a variety of funding sources. A significant portion of the scholarship funds come from the international student differential tuition rate.


  • Applicants must have a valid immigration status, have been enrolled at ISU in a current degree-seeking program level for the Spring 2024 and Fall 2024 semesters, and must have an expected degree completion term of Spring 2025 or later.
  • Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need. While your academic pursuits, research, and contributions to campus are very important, please focus on explaining your financial need.
  • Applicants must meet all additional criteria listed under each scholarship.
  • ALL scholarships require detailed narrative and documentation of a student’s current financial situation and challenges. Some additional scholarship opportunities require an additional essay to address individual scholarship criteria (400 word max.)
  • Students participating in Post-Completion OPT/STEM OPT are not eligible.


  • Answer all required questions.
  • The deadline to submit the scholarship application and all other supporting documents is Sunday, November 3rd.
  • Late applications will not be accepted.
  • 2024-2025 ISSO scholarship applicants will be notified of the results of their application in December or January.
  • Selected recipients may be asked to write a thank you letter to donors.
  • Specific questions regarding ISSO scholarship opportunities, please email

Supplemental Questions
  1. The International Students and Scholars Office will use information from the import data and the general application as well as the questions below to assist in the scholarship selection process.

    Would you like to be considered for scholarships administered by the International Students and Scholars Office?
  2. Have you maintained your immigration status at ISU in your current degree-seeking program level during the Spring 2024 and Fall 2024 semester?
  3. What is your current immigration status?
  4. In what semester do you expect to finish your academic program?
  5. Please list any dependents (spouse or children) that are currently in the United States and entirely dependent on you for financial support.
  6. Employment Information

    List any on-campus student employment at Iowa State University and the average number of hours per week you work during this semester (this may include graduate assistantship appointments and/or hourly work).
  7. List any authorized off-campus employment for Fall 2024 and the average number of hours per week you work during the semester (for example, a CPT authorization).
  8. Financial Support

    1.) Anticipated cash or savings for the Fall 2024 semester.
  9. 2.) What amount of funding do you expect to receive from a family member/sponsor/student loan to for educational and personal living expenses this semester.
  10. 3.) Estimate the amount of funding that will be provided by on-campus or off-campus employment for this semester.
  11. 4.) List all scholarships and the dollar amount that you will or plan to receive for the Fall 2024 semester. This information will be verified prior to awarding.
  12. 5.) What amount of funding do you expect to receive from student loans for the Fall 2024 semester?
  13. Total estimated Fall 2024 financial support
  14. Educational and Housing Expenses

    What was your assessed tuition and fees from the university in Fall 2024?
  15. What was your assessed health insurance amount for the Fall 2024 semester?
  16. Rent/housing cost for Fall 2024 semester:
  17. Monthly Expenses Budget

    1.) Food costs per month:
  18. 2.) Utilities/phone costs per month:
  19. 3.) Medical expenses (not covered by insurance) per month:
  20. 4.) Vehicle expenses (car loan, fuel, parking) per month:
  21. 5.) Personal expenses (laundry, toiletries, clothing, etc.) per month:
  22. 6.) Other monthly expenses not included above (provide detail):
  23. Total estimated monthly expenses:
  24. Total estimated Fall 2024 educational and living expenses:
  25. What is the difference between financial support provided and estimated expenses:
  26. Funding Plan and Change in Finances

    What is your current financial plan for covering expected tuition, fees, and living expenses? Please include all personal funds, sponsor funding (family members or otherwise), scholarships, and/or loans.
  27. Have any unforeseen, significant expenses occurred in your personal life? If yes, please provide detail on the necessary, unforeseen expenses, the date it occurred, and the financial impact it had on your ability to continue your program at ISU.
  28. Please provide as much documentation as possible of current costs (rental agreements, bills, etc.) and evidence of increased cost and/or funding loss.
  29. Please discuss how you plan to continually support yourself financially through the completion of your program at ISU. Please provide specifics regarding your future funding plan.
  30. Student Involvement

    Please detail student activities that you have participated in at Iowa State University.
  31. Describe the impact this involvement has had on your personal growth, including any leadership roles you have held while involved in student activities.
  32. Additional Scholarship Opportunities (Optional)

    If you are an undergraduate student that would like to apply for the Kennedy-Nehru Memorial Scholarship for the Promotion of International Understanding, please submit a short essay demonstrating your promotion to international understanding at Iowa State
  33. If you would like to apply for the Marie and Binford Spencer International Scholarship, please submit a short essay describing how you have made a commitment or demonstrated a commitment to enhance African, Caribbean, Latin American, Middle Eastern or European culture and/or studies.
  34. Confirmation of Information

    ISSO reserves the right to check the information on this form. Knowingly and willingly falsifying or concealing a material fact or using any false documentation in the submission of this may result in ineligibility for this ISSO scholarship.
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