Languages and Cultures for Professions (LCP) Program Scholarships

Undergraduate students participating in the Languages and Cultures for Professions (LCP) program should apply to this opportunity to be considered for department scholarships.

Supplemental Questions
  1. The application deadline for scholarships from the Department of World Languages and Cultures is April 1, 2024.
    For more information on WLC department scholarships, visit this site

    Are you in the Languages and Cultures or Professions (LCP) Program? If not, do not continue applying to this opportunity.
  2. Upload a copy of your degree audit or unofficial transcript. (Do not use special characters or spaces when naming your document.)
  3. Please describe how your area of study in the Department of World Languages and Cultures connects to your aspirations post-graduation.
  4. What foreign language activities do you participate in on campus? Elaborate on the level and frequency of your participation and your responsibilities.
  5. Many of our scholarships are for study abroad experiences. Please provide detailed information on your study abroad plans for the next academic year or summer to include: (1)Name of Study Abroad Program, (2)Time frame of the program (when it is offered), (3)How it relates to your area of study or post-graduation aspirations, (4)Why you want to participate in this study abroad program.
  6. If you are studying abroad within the next year, upload a screenshot showing your program and scholarship status in ISUAbroad or other proof of your program.
    (Do not use special characters or spaces when naming your document.)
  7. Provide the name and email address of an instructor or faculty member who can be contacted to write a reference regarding your ability and commitment to study in your chosen area of study of World Languages and Cultures. Please speak to them about this request.
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