Laverne Noyes Scholarship

Awards are available to undergraduate students who are directly descended by blood from veterans of World War I. The scholarships are granted for one year at a time, although they may be renewed for a maximum of eight semesters, providing the student fulfills the scholarship requirements. There is often a one-year waiting period for eligible applicants.

The LaVerne Noyes Scholarship is available to undergraduate students who are directly descended by blood from veterans of World War I who fulfilled at least one of the following:
Served on active duty overseas between May 11, 1917, and Armistice Day (November 11, 1918)
Served at least six months non-combat duty between May 11, 1917, and November 11, 1918
Died in service between May 11, 1917, and November 11, 1918

Documents to be provided by the student: (also listed on FinAidScholar)
A copy of the birth certificates for the applicant, parent, grandparent and great-grandparent (if applicable)
A copy of the enlistment papers
A copy of the honorable discharge papers

Documentation can be obtained from:
1. County Courthouse where Veteran lived
2. State Historical Society of Iowa (Phone: 515.281.5111)
3. National Personal Record Center (Phone: 314.801.0800)
4. U.S. Veterans Affairs Department (Phone: 515.699.5999)

US Citizenship is required.

$250 - $1000
Supplemental Questions
  1. Would you like to be considered for the Laverne Noyes Scholarship?
  2. What is the Veteran's full name and your relationship to them?
  3. What is the date and place of the Veteran's enlistment?
  4. What was the date and place of their honorable discharge?
  5. Which situation applies to the Veteran?
  6. What were the dates involved or term of service?
  7. For lineage from Veteran, provide your full name.
  8. What is your parent's full name?
  9. What is your grandparent's full name?
  10. What is your great-grandparent's full name?
  11. What is your great-great grandparent's full name?
  12. Documentation Upload

    Birth Certificate of Applicant
  13. Birth Certificate of Applicant's Parent
  14. Birth Certificate of Applicant's Grandparent
  15. Birth Certificate of Applicant's Great-Grandparent (if applicable)
  16. Birth Certificate of Applicant's Great-Great Grandparent (if applicable)
  17. Enlistment Papers
  18. Honorable Discharge Papers
  19. Show 13 more