Klinger, Gleeson and Younglove Scholarship

Recipients shall be majoring in construction engineering in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering. Recipients shall have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale. Recipients shall have demonstrated leadership as evidenced by participation in extracurricular or community organizations and activities as determined by the administering authority. Examples of extracurricular activities include involvement in recognized student organizations, professional organizations, or community service. All awards shall be for one (1) year and shall be renewed for one (1) additional year at the discretion of the administering authority so long as recipients continue to meet the above stated criteria. This award shall be made available to students of junior or senior class standing.

The Donor would like four (4) scholarships of equal amounts awarded each year; two (2) scholarships to students of junior class standing and two (2) scholarships to students of senior class standing. Initially the administering authority will select two students of junior class standing, and two students of senior class standing. Each year thereafter the administering authority shall renew the scholarships for the previous junior class standing recipients so long as the recipients continue to meet the above stated criteria, and identify two new students of junior class standing.
