Noel and Ruth Smith Family Engineering Scholarships

The recipient shall be majoring in Engineering. The recipient shall demonstrate above-average scholarship in previous schooling (high school or college) and show strong potential for continuing or improving their good scholarship as evidenced by but not limited to such things as a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale, involvement in an honors program, having graduated in the upper 30% of his or her class as determined by the awarding authority. The recipient shall demonstrate financial need through the currently accepted need analysis process utilized by the office of Student Financial Aid. Other factors to be considered include breadth and diversity of interests and activities in their communities and demonstrated leadership potential as evidenced by but not limited to such things as active participation/leadership role in a recognized student organization, active participation/leadership role in a professional organization., honors and awards received and/or active participation/leadership role in community service as determined by the awarding authority. All scholarships awarded hereunder shall be for one year, but may be renewed for additional years upon reapplication and continuing qualification. These scholarships shall be made available to students without regard to class standing.
