Janice Peterson Anderson Excellence Award and Scholarship

Please note this opportunity consists of 3 parts.

  • Janice Peterson Anderson Scholarship: Part One | Recipients will be chosen from the submitted OneApp applications
  • Janice Peterson Anderson Senior Award: Part Two | One student will be chosen by each department to receive this award
  • Janice Peterson Anderson Excellence Medallion Award: Part Three | One student from the above Senior Award will be chosen to receive the Medallion award

Janice Peterson Anderson Scholarship: The donors established this scholarship in 1968 in memory of Janice Peterson Anderson, a 1960 alumna in Home Economics Education. This was established to honor Janice and encourage the creative efforts of students in the art and design disciplines. Recipients of this award are recognized as having great potential, now and in the future. Recipients shall be enrolled in the Department of Integrated Studio Arts (BA or BFA programs), the Department of Interior Design, or the Department of Graphic Design. Recipients shall demonstrate leadership skills as evidenced by participation in extracurricular activities such as recognized student organizations, professional organizations, or community service. Recipients shall be enrolled as full-time students. This award shall be made available to students of undergraduate class standing. This scholarship may be renewed so long as recipients continue to meet the stated criteria. Minimum GPA of 3.0 required.
Students selected to receive this scholarship will be expected to write a one-page thank you letter to the scholarship’s donor.

Janice Peterson Anderson Senior Award: Recipients shall be enrolled in the Department of Art and Visual Culture (ISA) BFA curriculum, the Department of Interior Design, or the Department of Graphic Design. Recipients shall be enrolled as full-time students. This award shall be made available to students of senior class standing. Selection is to be made by each department’s scholarship and awards committee. The students chosen will then compete for the Janice Peterson Anderson Excellence Medallion Award. Minimum GPA of 3.0 required.

Supplemental Questions
  1. To be considered for this scholarship opportunity, you are required to upload your most recent portfolio. Reminder, if you are re-applying for this opportunity, you must upload work that was not previously uploaded.