James A. McIlrath Tau Kappa Epsilon Scholarship

Leadership and Academic Performance Scholarship – Recipients shall be active members in good standing of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. Recipients shall have demonstrated a high degree of leadership, both in chapter and campus organizations, and also be recognized as sound and solid academic performers. Recipients shall have earned a minimum of “All Men’s Greek Grade Point Average” prior to the award period. Recipients shall be of sophomore, junior, or senior class standing. Recipients are eligible to receive this scholarship no more than twice.

Emerging Leader Award – Recipients shall be active members in good standing of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. Recipients shall be recognized as future leaders or emerging leaders in Tau Kappa Epsilon or campus organizations based upon their current actions and demonstrated skills. Recipients shall have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale prior to the award period. Recipients shall be of freshman, sophomore, or junior class standing. Scholarship is non-renewable.

This Account shall initially provide three (3) scholarships annually; one (1) leadership and academic scholarship award and two (2) emerging leadership awards. Additional awards may be given when Distributions to the Account have grown to a level that will support additional scholarships without reducing the significance of the awards.
