Generations Award - First Year

The Generations Award is awarded to students who have been offered admission to Iowa State University and who are nonresident children or grandchildren of Iowa State graduates. A graduate is defined as any person who has been awarded a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree from Iowa State University.

In order to be considered for this scholarship, students must provide information so the graduation of the parent, step-parent, legal guardian, grandparent, or great-grandparent may be verified. Students may complete the scholarship application form available online below. The Generations Award is worth $6,000 ($1,500/year for four years) and can be combined with the Academic Achievement Award, Expedition Award, or Exploration Award. It cannot be combined with a full-tuition award.

Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to receive the Generations Award:
• Students who have a parent, step-parent, legal guardian, or grandparent who graduated from Iowa State University with a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree.
• Students who enroll at Iowa State University as a new full-time, nonresident, undergraduate student beginning summer or fall 2024.
• Completion and verification of the OneApp opportunity award application.

$6,000 ($1,500/year for 4 years)
Supplemental Questions
  1. Alumnus Information
    First Name:
  2. Middle Name:
  3. Last Name:
  4. Last name at time of attendance (if different from above):
  5. Deceased:
  6. Street Address/P.O. Box:
  7. Apt, Suite, Unit, Bldg:
  8. City:
  9. Country:
  10. Degree Earned:
  11. Graduation Month:
  12. Graduation Year:
  13. Alumnus' relationship to the student:
  14. Birth date:
  15. Show 9 more