C.W. Shirey Engineering Fund

Recipients shall be enrolled in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering. Recipients shall be residents of the State of Iowa as permitted by Federal and State law, and University policy. Recipients shall have a demonstrated interest in concrete as evidenced by enrollment in courses or activities related to concrete as determined by the administering authority. Examples of courses include, but are not limited to, CE 334 (Rein Concrete Dsn 1), CE 382 (Design of Concretes), and CE 383 (Design Portland Cmt) and an example of activities includes, but is not limited to, the Iowa State University American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) concrete canoe competition. Recipients shall have demonstrated leadership as evidenced by participation in extracurricular or community organizations and activities as determined by the administering authority. Examples of extracurricular activities include involvement in recognized student organizations, professional organizations, or community service. Preference shall be given to students of graduate class standing. This award shall be made available to students of sophomore and above class standing. This scholarship is non-renewable.

The Donor Representative would like these scholarships to be of significant benefit to the recipients and asks that two (2) scholarships be awarded each year until earnings grow sufficiently to make additional awards without diminishing the significance of the awards. If in any given year there are no eligible graduate applicants the Chair of the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering shall notify the College of Engineering’s scholarship administrators to ensure it is awarded to an undergraduate student who meets the criteria.
