Jo and Dick Liddy Business Scholarship

Recipients shall be enrolled in the Ivy College of Business. Recipients shall be full-time students with the definition of full-time being a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours. Recipients shall have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Recipients shall be working to support their education. Recipients shall have demonstrated leadership as evidenced by participation in extracurricular or community organizations and activities. Examples of extracurricular activities include involvement in recognized student organizations, professional organizations, or community service. This award shall be made available to students of undergraduate class standing. This scholarship is non-renewable.

The Donors seek high achieving/high aptitude students that may not otherwise have the means to complete their degrees at Iowa State. High achievement/aptitude does not necessarily mean they need to have high academic marks, but rather a desire and drive to be successful. The Dean of the College of Business shall be presented with three to five candidates who meet the above criteria, and will make the final selection. The Dean’s selection is imperative with these scholarships. The Donors would like scholarships to be awarded in increments of $5,000 or as close to $5,000 as possible as funding permits.
